Lawnton  Suburb
About Lawnton
Lawnton postcode 4501
Total Persons : 5644
Total Males : 1769
Total Femals : 2875
Age Group (0-4 years) : 343
Age Group (5-14 years) 877
65 Years Over:
Median Age of Persons 35
Persons born overseas 851
Main Country of birth which is not Australia: England
No of people of Main Country of birth which is not Australia : 241
No of People Married : 2025
Married Percentage: 45.8
Labour Force: 2758
Employed Fulltime: 1702
Employed Full Time Percentage: 61.7
Main Occupation: Clerical and Administrative Workers
Number of Main Occupation: 440
Main Occupation Percentage: 16.9
Main Industry of Employment: School Education
Main Industry of Employment Numbers: 105
Main Industry of Employment Percentage: 4
Median Individual Income ($/Weekly): 460
Median Household Income ($/Weekly) : 973
Median Family Income ($/Weekly): 1097
Number of Families: 1543
Number of Families With Children: 661
Total Private Dwellings: 2229
Median Rent ($/Weekly):* 270
Median Housing Loan Repayment ($/Weekly): 1200
Average Household Size: 2.6
Average Number of Persons Per Bedroom: 1.1
Household Fully Owned Percentage: 26.2
Household Rented Percentage: 31
Family Household Percentage: 71.4
Lawnton is a suburb north of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Its Local Government Area is the Moreton Bay Region.

The Lawnton industrial estate as well as retail and commerce establishments along Gympie Road provide local services and employment. Alluvial gravel and sand mining also occur in Lawnton. There have been recent industrial and retail developments in Lawnton.

Leis Park has electric barbecues and a boat ramp into the North Pine River. Wyllie Park on the Lawnton / Petrie border also has electric barbecues. The origin of the suburb name is from an early property owner by the name of Stephen Lawn. The property was acquired by Queensland Rail and was named Lawnton. (Source: Wiki)
* Median Rent is based on data from the most recent Australian suburb survey.
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